Cancellation policy

Cancellation Policy

We understand that sometimes circumstances change, and you may need to cancel an order. We aim to provide a clear and fair cancellation policy to ensure a smooth experience for our customers.

Order Cancellation Procedure:

  1. Before Shipment: If you wish to cancel your order before it has been shipped, please contact us as soon as possible. We will make every effort to accommodate your request and process the cancellation.

  2. After Shipment: If your order has already been shipped, it may not be possible to cancel it. In this case, you can follow our return process once the order is received.

Cancellation Eligibility:

  • You can generally cancel your order as long as it has not been shipped. If it has been shipped, please refer to our Return and Refund policy for further guidance.

Refunds for Cancelled Orders:

  • If your order is successfully cancelled before shipment, you will receive a full refund, including the purchase price and any associated shipping charges.

Contact Us for Cancellation:

To request an order cancellation or if you have any questions related to cancellations, please contact our customer support team through our Contact page on the website or send an email to Make sure to provide your order number and relevant details in your cancellation request.

Cancellation Policy Updates:

We may update our cancellation policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, so we recommend checking back periodically to stay informed.

Last updated: 2023-10-31